Essential Oil Of The Week: Clary Sage

Clary Sage is a favorite among aromatherapists for its earthy, fruity, and floral aroma that is both nutty and herbaceous as well as it's many benefits. If the aroma isn’t your favorite to start with, chances are it will grow on you. Clary Sage is also an excellent alternative for those who can’t do Lavender. It has both calming properties and a comparable floral aroma for your aromatic blends. The goodness doesn’t stop there! Let’s take a look.
🌿 🌿Calming and Balancing --> Clary Sage is most known for its ability to help induce a more calming, balancing, and relaxing atmosphere. This is especially great for helping gain some emotional balance when it feels like your emotions are running away with you and you are all in your head. While it helps zen you out, it doesn't make you doze off, like our friend Lavender.
🌿Hair, Skin, and Nails --> For gorgeous hair, skin, and nails, Clary Sage is definitely an oil you want to have on hand as it can help with all three. When it comes to your hair, it helps to promote a healthy, flake-free scalp as well as balance oil production and good for circulation.
🌿Stress and Anxiety --> Clary Sage’s balancing and calming effect can be especially beneficial! It will help soothe anxiety, enhance your mood, and promote overall grounding.
🌿For the Ladies --> Because it’s a balancing, mood-boosting oil, it can help calm the turbulent emotions that may arise during that time of the month. When applied topically to the abdomen, it can also help soothe cramps and pain. For menstrual pain, combine two drops each Clary Sage, Geranium Bourbon, and Marjoram Sweet in your favorite carrier oil and massage onto your abdomen. Also can be used in menopause and pregnancy to ease stress and tension in delivery with contractions. You can blend 2 drops of Geranium and 2 drops of Clary Sage with some Epsom salt in a foot bath for menopause.
💛 🌿Meditation/ Spiritual--> Very good for using a few drops while meditating and getting connected to your inner voice. This helps still your mind while uplifting your mood. Good for helping to create more vivid dreams.