Our Story
Eternally Divine
Created by NAHA Certified Aromatherapist, Danielle Dettore
Your senses have the ability to transport you from one reality to another.
Promoting A Happier You
You know that smell of the earth after it rains..how the spices linger in the air after you’ve cooked a good meal…the way a stranger passing on the street reminds you of your grandmothers perfume? This is what aromatherapy does. A smell will pull you out of your internal world and connect you with the world around you or bring you back into your body by helping you explore and relate to your emotions.
Make-up also has the ability to transform your reality. Too often, people use make-up as a way to cover up their perceived flaws. I take a different approach, instead using it as a tool to elevate your natural features and amplify your personality.

Founder, aromatherapist, make-up artist
Danielle Dettore
My journey with the senses began early on. I remember walking into my grandmother's house and can still smell it in my mind today. Sometimes I smell these familiar aromas and am instantly transported to the family dinners of my childhood.
My life is catalogued in my memory as a series of scents, colors, and sensations. I’ve always had the ability to tune into the subtleties that most people just pass over. It is this gift that allows me to tap into your unique beauty when I work with you. Whether you are in my make-up chair, or you’re using my aromatherapy products, I feel your true essence and together we bring it to a new level of vibrancy.
You are a whole person. A complex being with emotions and dreams just waiting to be created. When you are connected with your divine beauty, you create from an open heart and allow the truest expression of who you are to be seen.

from the founder
"I created Eternally Divine as a way to offer people healthier products and that help them feel good on the inside and outside."

I see you. I help you smile with all of your senses so the world gets to experience your unique beauty.
Years ago, I was inspired to start using aromatherapy at a time when I felt alone and not seen in my true essence. The more I worked with them as a tool to help balance, ground, and center me, the more I wanted to learn about them and share them with others.
I was well established in the beauty industry at that time, but I had a desire to bring a more holistic approach into my work. My exploration of aromatherapy inspired me to bring these two spheres of my existence together. I created Eternally Divine as a way to offer people healthier products and that help them feel good on the inside and outside.
My business continues to evolve with me and I look forward to bringing new products and modalities into my work as my journey progresses.