Nurturing Body Balm Essential Oil Recipe

My body and hands have been so flaky and my cuticles are a mess and it’s surprising because I use all types of moisturizing products and washes, drink lots of water, and take supplements. I made this blend to nourish my skin and be ready for spring! This is good for all over the body, elbows, knees, feet, not sure I would use it on my face; I have sensitive skin, so I would be a bit cautious.
Here are the ingredients: Which makes about 10 oz
Kokum Butter- 7.5 Tbsp Shea Butter- 2.5 Tbsp Cocoa Butter- 5 flakes Jojoba Oil- 4 Tbsp Castor Oil- 4 Tbsp
Essential Oils:
Carrot Seed(15d), Rosemary(10d) and Vetiver(10d)
Double boiler, glass measuring cup, and measuring spoons and a glass container to carry all the essential oils together.